WOSM edit

The WOSM story

The WOSM (Warwick Open Source Microscope) is a super-stable physical platform and control interface for high and super resolution optical microscopy. Our idea was to make something as solid and as optically straightforward as possible, consistent with being able to work at or very close to the theoretical limit of optical resolution. We were also frustrated by current microscope control interfaces and wanted to take a fresh look at that as well.

Soon after we first started working on the designs, we realised that they would be useful not just to us but to lots of other people too, and we decided to make them open source.


What can it do?

The high stability makes the WOSM a great platform for single molecule microscopy, including super resolution imaging of single fluorophore molecules. We have a complete reference design for a TIRF/STORM microscope with piezo XYZ stage and stepper-motor controlled TIRF angle here: WOSM-TIRF.
The eduWOSM is a compact 4-colour fluorescence microsope for teaching/research laboratory benchtop (eLife preprint). To see the eduWOSM in use and also some example images go to the eduWOSM Youtube channel.

Who is it for?

Early adopters will need reasonable technical skills and ideally some experience in microscope dis/assembly. The microscopes are designed to be versatile and easy to modify. Modification and hacking the reference designs is positively encouraged! We will also encourage contributions to source documentation from bug reports/fixes to new projects.

How to get one?

At this stage you can't buy one, but you can make one!
The microscope makes use of off-the-shelf components where they are available (Thorlabs, Nikon and Neport). Some custom CNC-machined parts are required, and where it does not compromise functionality we use 3D-printed plastic parts.
The source includes microscope hardware design files (CAD source, engineering drawings, 3D printer STL files), web based control electronics (schematics, gerber files, C-based source and flashable firmware binaries, HTML control source).
Source is being moved to GitHub (Jan/Feb 2025).

Contact Nick Carter or Rob Cross if you are interested, we will help.

Doug Martin will be hosting a "build an eduWOSM" workshop in Wisconsin in the summer of 2025 (details soon...).

Nick Carter · Douglas Martin · Justin Molloy · Rob Cross